Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dendrobium jerdonianum

Dendrobium jerdonianum
A rare Dendrobium found at high altitudes of Western Ghats.... Many color forms of this beautiful species is found in nature starting from White to bright creamish yellow to orange in color. Flowering season Nov- Dec.


  1. Hi, your photos are beautiful. Do you recall the elevation at which this species grows?

  2. Hello Mr. Jose..Thank you for introducing native orchids..I'm actually new but into this...I have a rhyncostyllis retusa, a cymbidium, two bulbophyllum rhedei, and a vanda looking orchid which could also be an acampe...all from wayanads kuruva island

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  4. I also had another bulbophyllum, a sterile or a rosemarianum which i lost to fungus....my friend has a wild arundina from idukki...which i will be getting a keiki soon
